Занятие 11
Тема: гимн любви.
Цель: показать, что без любви вседары ничто.
I Молитва
II Повторение
Какие знаем дары?
Кто даёт? Кому? Для чего?
II Мотивация
Я люблю церковь видна ли моя любовь к церкви другим. Как?
Имею дары, знаю о них, и хожу с ними в сумочке, никому их не дам. Почему? (потому что нет любви).
IV Читаем 1 Кор. 13:1-8
О чём текст? Что сказано о любви? Почему именно в этой главе послания? Кому адресованно послание? Почему целая глава посвящена любви?
1 Кор. 13:1
Человек говорящий человеческими и ангельскими языками без любви – медь звенящая и кимвал звучащий (его неприятно слушать, т.к. только стучит).
1 Кор. 13:2
Пророчествует, ознает все тайны, имеет всю веру, имеет всякое познание, а любви не имеет, то он ничто.
1Кор. 13:3
- раздам всё имение моё
- отдам тело моё на сожжение } а любви не имею => то нет мне в том никакой пользы.
Всё знает, всё имеет, всё раздаёт, но нет любви => всё не имеет значения.
1 кор. 13:4
Что делает любовь?
- долготерпит;
- милосердствует – полна добра, делает добро другому;
- не завидует – нежелает того, что у других;
- не превозностится – убрать самолюбование;
- не гордится – не надувается как мыльный пузырь;
- не бесчинствует – не делает того, после чего стыдно;
- не мыслит зла – не копит в памяти.
не радоваться (9-й, 10-й, 12-й стихи)
знание от части;
пророчество от части;
видим, как сквозь тусклое стекло гадательно;
дары 1-3 стихов сейчас даны для созидания тела Христа, чтобы помогать друг другу;
сейчас пребывает вера, надежда, любовь.
11-й стих: по младенчески:
- мыслил;
- говорил;
- рассуждал.
сорадуется (13-й стих)
будет совершенное;
то, что от части прекратится;
увидим лицом к лицу;
познаем подобно как я познан;
8-й стих: любовь никогда не перестаёт;
пророчества прекратятся;
языки умолкнут;
знания упразднятся;
всё-всё пройдёт;
в Церстве Небесном ничего не нужно, дары непричём;
останется только любовь.
Когда стал мужем
оставил младенчество.
Павел говорит коринфянам: «ВЫ имеете всё, нет недостатка в дарах. Но у Вас проблемы, так как не знаете значение даров для церкви. Вы имеете дары, должны ими служить друг другу. Вы этими дарами должны хвалиться».
Пример: «Когда я был младенцем, у меня была красивая кукла, красивая машина. Это моё, никому не дам». Хвалюсь подарками, но употребляю их для себя. Были споры, драки. Похоже это на коринфянскую церковь?
Служу своими дарами для других.
Вывод: какие дары уходят?
В Библии говорится о 20 дарах.
1 Кор. 12, 1 Петра 4, Рим. 12, Ефес. 4.
21-й дар – любовь, на котором основаны все дары, там оценится только любовь.
Если на земле все дела делаются с любовью, то эти дела идут вслед за тобой.
понедельник, 21 сентября 2009 г.
Lesson 11
Lesson 11
Theme: Hymn of love
Goal: To show that without love all the gifts are worthless
1) Pray
2) Review
What gifts do we know?
Who gives? To whom? For what reason?
3) Motivation
I love the church. Does my love for the church show to others? How?
I have gifts. I know about them. Why would I hold on to them (keep them to myself) and never give them to others (because there is no love).
4) Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
What is the text about? What is said about love? What exactly is the message in this chapter? To whom is the message addressed? Why is the entire chapter devoted to love?
1 Corinthians 13:1
A person speaking in man’s speech and angel’s language without love is like brass ringing and a cymbal sounding [clanging]—it is not pleasant to listen to, only for making noise.
1 Corinthians 13:2
To prophesy, to understand (find) all the mysteries, to have all faith, to have all knowledge, but not have love, then it is nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:3
- give all that I have
- give my body to be burned } but I do not have love => it profits me nothing.
Know it all, have it all, give it all, but no love => then it does not mean anything.
1 Corinthians 13:4
What does love do?
- patient;
- kind – full of goodness, do good for others;
- not jealous – do not want what others have;
- does not boast – let go of selfishness;
- not prideful – do not be puffed up like soap suds (bubbles);
- does not go to extremes – going beyond shame;
- does not think evil – does not store it in memory.
Untruth- no rejoicing (verses 9-10, 12)
knowledge of the parts;
prophesy in part;
we see as through muslin, thick cloth-like glass—it is all guesswork;
the gifts found in verses 1-3 are given for the building up of the body of Christ in order to help each other;
now abides faith, hope and love.
11th verse: according to infancy
- thought;
- spoke;
- reasoned.
Truth- rejoices (verse 13)
Will be perfected;
then, knowing in part will come to an end [now I know in part; but then shall I know];
we will see face to face;
will know even as also I am known.
8th verse: Love never fails;
prophesy will cease;
tongues will be silenced;
knowledge will be abolished;
all will pass away.
In the Kingdom of Heaven there will not be a need for anything. There will be no cause for the gifts. Only love remains.
When I became a man
Left infancy.
Paul speaks to the Corinthians: “You have everything, but not a shortage of gifts. But you have problems, because you do not know the meaning of the gifts for the church. You have the gifts, so you must serve one another with these. You must shower yourself with these gifts.”
For example: “When I was a young child, I had a beautiful doll/a beautiful car. It is mine; I will not give it to anyone”. Shower yourself with gifts, but keep them for yourself. There were disputes/fights. Was this similar to the Corinthian church?
Use your gifts for others.
Conclusion: Which gifts are there?
The Bible speaks about 20 gifts.
1 Corinthians 12, 1 Peter 4, Romans 12, Ephesians 4.
21st gift: love, in which all gifts were founded and in there is where the value lies–in love.
If we do everything (all acts) on this earth with love, then these actions will come back to you.
Theme: Hymn of love
Goal: To show that without love all the gifts are worthless
1) Pray
2) Review
What gifts do we know?
Who gives? To whom? For what reason?
3) Motivation
I love the church. Does my love for the church show to others? How?
I have gifts. I know about them. Why would I hold on to them (keep them to myself) and never give them to others (because there is no love).
4) Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
What is the text about? What is said about love? What exactly is the message in this chapter? To whom is the message addressed? Why is the entire chapter devoted to love?
1 Corinthians 13:1
A person speaking in man’s speech and angel’s language without love is like brass ringing and a cymbal sounding [clanging]—it is not pleasant to listen to, only for making noise.
1 Corinthians 13:2
To prophesy, to understand (find) all the mysteries, to have all faith, to have all knowledge, but not have love, then it is nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:3
- give all that I have
- give my body to be burned } but I do not have love => it profits me nothing.
Know it all, have it all, give it all, but no love => then it does not mean anything.
1 Corinthians 13:4
What does love do?
- patient;
- kind – full of goodness, do good for others;
- not jealous – do not want what others have;
- does not boast – let go of selfishness;
- not prideful – do not be puffed up like soap suds (bubbles);
- does not go to extremes – going beyond shame;
- does not think evil – does not store it in memory.
Untruth- no rejoicing (verses 9-10, 12)
knowledge of the parts;
prophesy in part;
we see as through muslin, thick cloth-like glass—it is all guesswork;
the gifts found in verses 1-3 are given for the building up of the body of Christ in order to help each other;
now abides faith, hope and love.
11th verse: according to infancy
- thought;
- spoke;
- reasoned.
Truth- rejoices (verse 13)
Will be perfected;
then, knowing in part will come to an end [now I know in part; but then shall I know];
we will see face to face;
will know even as also I am known.
8th verse: Love never fails;
prophesy will cease;
tongues will be silenced;
knowledge will be abolished;
all will pass away.
In the Kingdom of Heaven there will not be a need for anything. There will be no cause for the gifts. Only love remains.
When I became a man
Left infancy.
Paul speaks to the Corinthians: “You have everything, but not a shortage of gifts. But you have problems, because you do not know the meaning of the gifts for the church. You have the gifts, so you must serve one another with these. You must shower yourself with these gifts.”
For example: “When I was a young child, I had a beautiful doll/a beautiful car. It is mine; I will not give it to anyone”. Shower yourself with gifts, but keep them for yourself. There were disputes/fights. Was this similar to the Corinthian church?
Use your gifts for others.
Conclusion: Which gifts are there?
The Bible speaks about 20 gifts.
1 Corinthians 12, 1 Peter 4, Romans 12, Ephesians 4.
21st gift: love, in which all gifts were founded and in there is where the value lies–in love.
If we do everything (all acts) on this earth with love, then these actions will come back to you.
пятница, 4 сентября 2009 г.
Занятие 10
Тема: дар языков и дар истолкования языков
Цель: показать, что этот дар нужен только для созидания церкви.
I молитва
II повторение
Нужны ли дары в церкви?
Как дары сравниваются с телом Христа?
Каким даром я хочу обладать?
- чудотворение
- исцеление
- дар различения духов Моут ли быть эти дары у неверующих?
Если могут, то для чего?
Самостоятельная работа:
Написать о каком-либо даре определение и как проявляется.
III Мотивация
11 глава – все – одно тело. Дары для того, чтобы тело было живым, здоровым, но есть ещё дар, который является знамением для неверующих. Есть два языка: понятный и непонятный. Какой служит для созидания тела?
1-й стих
Особенно ревнуйте о пророчестве
4-й стих: назидает церковь
5-й стих: пророчествующий превосходнее говорящих языками.
6-й, 26-й стихи: от пророчеств есть польза: назидает верующих и обличает неверующих.
22-й стих: пророчества знак не для неверующих, а для вереующих.
24-й стих: пророчество побуждает признать:
- Бог есть;
- исследовать себя;
- покланяться Богу.
29-й, 31-й стихи: должны говорить по очереди, чтобы всем поучаться.
32-й стих: духи пророческие послушны пророкам.
Вывод: пророчество нужно, это служит для назидания церкви, утешения, оно превосходнее, есть польза, побуждает признать Бога.
Говорение на языках
1 Кор.14
2- йстих: не людям говорит, а Богу (Духовный дар – для служения людям, а если не служит людям, то от бесов).
4-й назидает себя.
5-й стих: если говоришь языками, то должен изъяснять, чтобы церковь получала назидание.
6-й стих: если не истолковал нет пользы
9-й тих: если языком произносите невразумительные слова, то – на ветер.
11-й стих: если другие не понимают, то – чужестранец.
14-й стих: когда молюсь на незнакомом языке, ум остаётся без плода.
22-й стих: языки знамения для неверующих.
23-й стих: если вся церковь говорит на языке, вся церковь беснуется.
27-й стих: говори порознь, а один изъясняет.
28-й стих: если не будет истолкования, то молчи.
33-й стих: призывает к миру.
40-й стих: всё должно быть благопристойно и чинно.
Вывод: если говорить на не понятном языке, молятся на непонятном языке, то:
- иностранец;
- не созидает;
- не учит;
- это младенческий лепет.
Если Бог хочет, Он даст истолкователя.
Где в слове Божьем говорят на языках:
- дом Корнилия;
- стал Иаков;
- Пётр.
Все молчат и порядок.
12-я глава.
Дары даются один раз, когда приходим в тело Христа, это завершение не повторяется.
13-я глава.
Все дары без любви безсмысленны.
14-я глава.
Дары для назидания тела, иначе бессмысленно.
Цель: показать, что этот дар нужен только для созидания церкви.
I молитва
II повторение
Нужны ли дары в церкви?
Как дары сравниваются с телом Христа?
Каким даром я хочу обладать?
- чудотворение
- исцеление
- дар различения духов Моут ли быть эти дары у неверующих?
Если могут, то для чего?
Самостоятельная работа:
Написать о каком-либо даре определение и как проявляется.
III Мотивация
11 глава – все – одно тело. Дары для того, чтобы тело было живым, здоровым, но есть ещё дар, который является знамением для неверующих. Есть два языка: понятный и непонятный. Какой служит для созидания тела?
1-й стих
Особенно ревнуйте о пророчестве
4-й стих: назидает церковь
5-й стих: пророчествующий превосходнее говорящих языками.
6-й, 26-й стихи: от пророчеств есть польза: назидает верующих и обличает неверующих.
22-й стих: пророчества знак не для неверующих, а для вереующих.
24-й стих: пророчество побуждает признать:
- Бог есть;
- исследовать себя;
- покланяться Богу.
29-й, 31-й стихи: должны говорить по очереди, чтобы всем поучаться.
32-й стих: духи пророческие послушны пророкам.
Вывод: пророчество нужно, это служит для назидания церкви, утешения, оно превосходнее, есть польза, побуждает признать Бога.
Говорение на языках
1 Кор.14
2- йстих: не людям говорит, а Богу (Духовный дар – для служения людям, а если не служит людям, то от бесов).
4-й назидает себя.
5-й стих: если говоришь языками, то должен изъяснять, чтобы церковь получала назидание.
6-й стих: если не истолковал нет пользы
9-й тих: если языком произносите невразумительные слова, то – на ветер.
11-й стих: если другие не понимают, то – чужестранец.
14-й стих: когда молюсь на незнакомом языке, ум остаётся без плода.
22-й стих: языки знамения для неверующих.
23-й стих: если вся церковь говорит на языке, вся церковь беснуется.
27-й стих: говори порознь, а один изъясняет.
28-й стих: если не будет истолкования, то молчи.
33-й стих: призывает к миру.
40-й стих: всё должно быть благопристойно и чинно.
Вывод: если говорить на не понятном языке, молятся на непонятном языке, то:
- иностранец;
- не созидает;
- не учит;
- это младенческий лепет.
Если Бог хочет, Он даст истолкователя.
Где в слове Божьем говорят на языках:
- дом Корнилия;
- стал Иаков;
- Пётр.
Все молчат и порядок.
12-я глава.
Дары даются один раз, когда приходим в тело Христа, это завершение не повторяется.
13-я глава.
Все дары без любви безсмысленны.
14-я глава.
Дары для назидания тела, иначе бессмысленно.
Lesson 10
Lesson 10
Theme; Gift of Tongues and Gift of Interpretation of tongues (languages)
Goal: To show that this gift is only for the building up of the church
1) Prayer
2) Rеview
• Are the gifts necessary in the church?
• How does the gifts compare themselves with the body of Christ?
• Which gift do I want to have?
- miracles
- healing
- gift of discerning of spirits
• Is it possible for unbelievers to have these gifts? If they can, what is the purpose?
Independent work:
Write about any gift. Define and explain how it appears (works).
3) Motivation:
Chapter 11 [1 Corinthians] – all – one body. The gifts are for the body to be alive and healthy. But there is another gift that appears as a sign for unbelievers. There are two languages: understood and not understood. What act (service) was created for the building up of the body?
1 Corinthians 14
• Verse 1: Eagerly desire prophecy
• Verse 4: Edifies the church
• Verse 5: To excel in prophesying is better than speaking in tongues.
• Verses 6 and 26: It profits to prophecy: edifies believers and condemns unbelievers.
• Verse 22: The gift of prophecy is for believers not unbelievers.
• Verse 24: Prophecy prompts one to know:
- God is;
- Examine yourself;
- To worship God.
• Verses 29 and 31: Must speak in turn so all may learn.
• Verse 32: Spirits of the prophets are subject to prophets.
Conclusion: Prophecy is needed; this service is for the edification of the church; comforting; it perfects; has profits (benefits); prompts one to know God.
Gift of speaking in tongues
1 Corinthians 14
• Verse 2: Not speaking to men but to God (Spiritual gift – used to minister to people; if not used to serve the people then it is from the demons (devil).
• Verse 4: Edifies oneself.
• Verse 5: If you speak in tongues, then you must express (make things clear) for the church to receive edification.
• Verse 6: If you do not interpret then there is no benefit.
• Verse 9: If the language used is with unintelligible words, then it is like the wind.
• Verse 11: If others do not understand, then it is foreign.
• Verse 14: When you pray in an unfamiliar tongue, the mind is unfruitful.
• Verse 22: The sign of tongues is for unbelievers.
• Verse 23: If the whole church speaks in tongues, then the whole church is possessed.
• Verse 27: Speak separately, while one interprets.
• Verse 28: If there is no interpretation, then keep quiet.
• Verse 33: Calls for peace.
• Verse 40: Everything must be handled in a favorable manner and officially.
Conclusion: If you speak in an unfamiliar tongue (language), pray in an unknown tongue, then:
- foreigner;
- does not build;
- does not teach;
- is childish babble.
If God wants, He will provide the interpreter.
Where in God’s Word does it speak about tongues?
- House of Cornelius;
- Became Jacob;
- Peter.
Everyone is quiet and in order.
Chapter 12
The gifts are given one time—when we become a part of the body of Christ. This definitely does not happen again.
Chapter 13
All gifts without love are meaningless.
Chapter 14
The gifts are for the edification of the body; otherwise, they are meaningless.
Theme; Gift of Tongues and Gift of Interpretation of tongues (languages)
Goal: To show that this gift is only for the building up of the church
1) Prayer
2) Rеview
• Are the gifts necessary in the church?
• How does the gifts compare themselves with the body of Christ?
• Which gift do I want to have?
- miracles
- healing
- gift of discerning of spirits
• Is it possible for unbelievers to have these gifts? If they can, what is the purpose?
Independent work:
Write about any gift. Define and explain how it appears (works).
3) Motivation:
Chapter 11 [1 Corinthians] – all – one body. The gifts are for the body to be alive and healthy. But there is another gift that appears as a sign for unbelievers. There are two languages: understood and not understood. What act (service) was created for the building up of the body?
1 Corinthians 14
• Verse 1: Eagerly desire prophecy
• Verse 4: Edifies the church
• Verse 5: To excel in prophesying is better than speaking in tongues.
• Verses 6 and 26: It profits to prophecy: edifies believers and condemns unbelievers.
• Verse 22: The gift of prophecy is for believers not unbelievers.
• Verse 24: Prophecy prompts one to know:
- God is;
- Examine yourself;
- To worship God.
• Verses 29 and 31: Must speak in turn so all may learn.
• Verse 32: Spirits of the prophets are subject to prophets.
Conclusion: Prophecy is needed; this service is for the edification of the church; comforting; it perfects; has profits (benefits); prompts one to know God.
Gift of speaking in tongues
1 Corinthians 14
• Verse 2: Not speaking to men but to God (Spiritual gift – used to minister to people; if not used to serve the people then it is from the demons (devil).
• Verse 4: Edifies oneself.
• Verse 5: If you speak in tongues, then you must express (make things clear) for the church to receive edification.
• Verse 6: If you do not interpret then there is no benefit.
• Verse 9: If the language used is with unintelligible words, then it is like the wind.
• Verse 11: If others do not understand, then it is foreign.
• Verse 14: When you pray in an unfamiliar tongue, the mind is unfruitful.
• Verse 22: The sign of tongues is for unbelievers.
• Verse 23: If the whole church speaks in tongues, then the whole church is possessed.
• Verse 27: Speak separately, while one interprets.
• Verse 28: If there is no interpretation, then keep quiet.
• Verse 33: Calls for peace.
• Verse 40: Everything must be handled in a favorable manner and officially.
Conclusion: If you speak in an unfamiliar tongue (language), pray in an unknown tongue, then:
- foreigner;
- does not build;
- does not teach;
- is childish babble.
If God wants, He will provide the interpreter.
Where in God’s Word does it speak about tongues?
- House of Cornelius;
- Became Jacob;
- Peter.
Everyone is quiet and in order.
Chapter 12
The gifts are given one time—when we become a part of the body of Christ. This definitely does not happen again.
Chapter 13
All gifts without love are meaningless.
Chapter 14
The gifts are for the edification of the body; otherwise, they are meaningless.
пятница, 28 августа 2009 г.
З А Н Я Т И Е № 9
Тема: Дары:
различения духов
Цель: узнать об этих дарах и понять есть ли у тебя этот дар и служить им
1. Повторение:
какие дары "прошли"?
каким даром я обладаю?
как я служу этим даром для созидания церкви? Или может быть закопала этот дар
и хочу его отдать Господу, когда Он попросит отчет?
2. Мотивация
Какими дарами манипулирует сатана так, что даже верующие впадают в сети дьявола,
в обман? Сегодня именно о них будем говорить.
Исцеление: экстрасенсы
Чудотворение этими дарами обладает и сатана
Различение духов
Есть ли сейчас эти дары?
*они нужны для неверующих
*чудеса - спекуляция о вере, во времеена Иисуса Христа чудеса были только в Палестине,
сейчас по всей земле.
*прельстятся все, кто не имеет Духа Божия, но особенно сатана работает, используя эти
дары, с верующими
-Нажмите на картинку, чтобы открыть

*исцеление- дополнительная часть свидетельства о Иисусе Христе
*если ты веришь, это гарантия здоровья?
*существует этот дар сегодня?
*исцеляется тот, кто верит в это?
*чудотворение- дополнительная часть свидетельства о Христе
*творят ли сейчас чудес? Где? (для неверующих)
*будет ли расцвет чудес?
*дар различения духов - нужно ли? Почему?
*среди истинных верующих есть иные духи? А в церкви? Что делать?
*встречали ли вы таких людей?
*обладаю ли я этими дарами в отдельности?
*я не исцеляю, но как могу помочь?
6.Мотивация к следующему уроку
До сих пор споры о даре языков. Чтобы получить полное понимание дара
языков, нам следует знать всё, что говорит об этом предмете Слово
Божие. В Деяниях сошел на апостолов Дух Святой и они заговорили на
разных наречиях.
А если не говорим, значит не имеем Духа Святого?
Lesson 9
Theme- Gifts:
Discerning of spirits
• To learn about these gifts
• To determine if you have these gifts
• To serve using these gifts
1. Review:
• What gifts have we studied?
• Which gift do I have?
• How do I serve using these gifts for the building up of the church? Or have I buried [not put it to use] this gift?
• When God asks me to give an account of this gift, is my desire to give the gift to the Lord?
2. Motivation:
With which gifts does Satan manipulate, so believers will fall into the snares (nets) or lies of the devil? Today we will be speaking about these exact things:
• Healing- Psychics, Witches and Fortunetellers
• Miracles
• Discerning of spirits
(Satan also has (uses) these gifts.)
Do we have these gifts today?
• They are necessary for unbelievers.
• Miracles- Speculation about faith in the time of Jesus Christ, miracles only happened in Palestine. Today they take place all over the world.
• All are tempted- Even those who do have the Spirit of God, but Satan especially works to use these gifts among believers.
3. Tablet:
Gift of Healing
Results and actions:
The reason for the disease- From where?
• From hostility toward God
• The consequence of sin, disobedience
Who heals?
• Jesus Christ took on our infirmities.
• He suffered our illnesses.
• He was wounded for our sins.
• He was tormented for our unlawful deeds and by His wounds we are healed from our sins.
What [who] was healed? (Matthew 8:17; 10:1,8)
• All disease
• Cast out demons
• The lame, the blind
Is there healing today? (James 5:14-16)
• Call upon (go to) the elders of the church
• Pray over
• Anoint with oil
• All done in the name of Jesus Christ
• Only the faith of the sick
Gift of miracles-
A work that is an unexplained phenomenon
Who performed miracles?
Jesus Christ:
• Turned the water into wine- John 2:11
• At Easter (the Passover Feast) - John 2:23; 7:31
• Miracles in which no one else could do- John 3:2
• Paul and Barnabas among the Gentiles- Acts 15:12
• Stephen- Acts 6:8
• Philip- Acts 8:6-13
For unbelievers many believed
Source? God
Are all miracles from God?
• False prophets- Matthew 7:15-23
• False Christ- Matthew 24:24
• Wicked- 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12
• Beast- Revelation 13:14
• Dragon- Revelation 16:13-14
If possible leads believers astray
Why are miracles needed? John 20:30-31; 21:25
Discerning of spirits
Legal assessment, recognizable evil spirits according to their
Who sets them apart?
• Jesus Christ
• Paul
How do they manifest themselves?
• Acts 5:9-11
Ananias and Sapphira decided to tempt the Spirit of the Lord
• Acts 13:8-12
Elymas fulfilled every insidiousness and evil deed; son of the devil- Paul brought upon him blindness
• Acts 16:16-18
servant- soothsayer
Paul ordered in the name of Jesus Christ that the spirit come out of her.
Are there spirits today?
• Acts 20:29-30
Grievous wolves enter the church to carry away disciples to themselves
• 2 Timothy 4:1-3
There will come a time when sound teaching will not be understood
• 2 Corinthians 11:4,13-15
-Can preach about another Jesus
-Can receive another spirit or another gospel
Our Responsibility:
• Acts 17:11- daily search the scriptures
• 1 Peter 2:2; Hebrews 5:12-14- accustom yourself to distinguish good from evil
• 1 John 4:1- do not believe every spirit, test (try) them
4. Conclusion:
• Healing- an additional way to witness about Jesus Christ
• If you believe, what guarantees your health?
• Is this gift used today?
• Does healing take place in those with faith?
• Miracles- another way to witness about Christ
• Are miracles performed today? Where? (for unbelievers)
• Will miracles be shown?
• Discerning of spirits- Is this needed? Why?
• Among true believers are there other spirits? And in the church? What do we do?
• Have you met these types of people?
5. Application:
• Do I possess these gifts alone?
• If I cannot heal, how can I help?
6. Motivation for the next lesson:
• Up until now there has been debate about the gift of speaking in tongues. In order to fully understanding the gift of speaking in tongues, you should learn everything there is to know about this subject from God’s Word. In Acts the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles and they spoke in different dialects (languages).
• If you do not speak (in tongues), does that mean you do not have the Holy Spirit?
Discerning of spirits
• To learn about these gifts
• To determine if you have these gifts
• To serve using these gifts
1. Review:
• What gifts have we studied?
• Which gift do I have?
• How do I serve using these gifts for the building up of the church? Or have I buried [not put it to use] this gift?
• When God asks me to give an account of this gift, is my desire to give the gift to the Lord?
2. Motivation:
With which gifts does Satan manipulate, so believers will fall into the snares (nets) or lies of the devil? Today we will be speaking about these exact things:
• Healing- Psychics, Witches and Fortunetellers
• Miracles
• Discerning of spirits
(Satan also has (uses) these gifts.)
Do we have these gifts today?
• They are necessary for unbelievers.
• Miracles- Speculation about faith in the time of Jesus Christ, miracles only happened in Palestine. Today they take place all over the world.
• All are tempted- Even those who do have the Spirit of God, but Satan especially works to use these gifts among believers.
3. Tablet:
Gift of Healing
Results and actions:
The reason for the disease- From where?
• From hostility toward God
• The consequence of sin, disobedience
Who heals?
• Jesus Christ took on our infirmities.
• He suffered our illnesses.
• He was wounded for our sins.
• He was tormented for our unlawful deeds and by His wounds we are healed from our sins.
What [who] was healed? (Matthew 8:17; 10:1,8)
• All disease
• Cast out demons
• The lame, the blind
Is there healing today? (James 5:14-16)
• Call upon (go to) the elders of the church
• Pray over
• Anoint with oil
• All done in the name of Jesus Christ
• Only the faith of the sick
Gift of miracles-
A work that is an unexplained phenomenon
Who performed miracles?
Jesus Christ:
• Turned the water into wine- John 2:11
• At Easter (the Passover Feast) - John 2:23; 7:31
• Miracles in which no one else could do- John 3:2
• Paul and Barnabas among the Gentiles- Acts 15:12
• Stephen- Acts 6:8
• Philip- Acts 8:6-13
For unbelievers many believed
Source? God
Are all miracles from God?
• False prophets- Matthew 7:15-23
• False Christ- Matthew 24:24
• Wicked- 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12
• Beast- Revelation 13:14
• Dragon- Revelation 16:13-14
If possible leads believers astray
Why are miracles needed? John 20:30-31; 21:25
Discerning of spirits
Legal assessment, recognizable evil spirits according to their
Who sets them apart?
• Jesus Christ
• Paul
How do they manifest themselves?
• Acts 5:9-11
Ananias and Sapphira decided to tempt the Spirit of the Lord
• Acts 13:8-12
Elymas fulfilled every insidiousness and evil deed; son of the devil- Paul brought upon him blindness
• Acts 16:16-18
servant- soothsayer
Paul ordered in the name of Jesus Christ that the spirit come out of her.
Are there spirits today?
• Acts 20:29-30
Grievous wolves enter the church to carry away disciples to themselves
• 2 Timothy 4:1-3
There will come a time when sound teaching will not be understood
• 2 Corinthians 11:4,13-15
-Can preach about another Jesus
-Can receive another spirit or another gospel
Our Responsibility:
• Acts 17:11- daily search the scriptures
• 1 Peter 2:2; Hebrews 5:12-14- accustom yourself to distinguish good from evil
• 1 John 4:1- do not believe every spirit, test (try) them
4. Conclusion:
• Healing- an additional way to witness about Jesus Christ
• If you believe, what guarantees your health?
• Is this gift used today?
• Does healing take place in those with faith?
• Miracles- another way to witness about Christ
• Are miracles performed today? Where? (for unbelievers)
• Will miracles be shown?
• Discerning of spirits- Is this needed? Why?
• Among true believers are there other spirits? And in the church? What do we do?
• Have you met these types of people?
5. Application:
• Do I possess these gifts alone?
• If I cannot heal, how can I help?
6. Motivation for the next lesson:
• Up until now there has been debate about the gift of speaking in tongues. In order to fully understanding the gift of speaking in tongues, you should learn everything there is to know about this subject from God’s Word. In Acts the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles and they spoke in different dialects (languages).
• If you do not speak (in tongues), does that mean you do not have the Holy Spirit?
пятница, 21 августа 2009 г.
Lesson 8
Lesson 8
• Word of wisdom
• Word of Knowledge
• Faith
• To understand the gift of wisdom, so it can be recognized through our actions
• The desire to fully understand the Word of God and obtain the favor of the Divine Christ
• Faith- the gift of grace, the belief in Christ, concrete actions
• What gifts have we studied?
• Who gives? How? For what reason?
• Why should we know this?
• What gift do I see in myself?
• Do I minister with these gifts?
Gift of word of wisdom
Definition- Knows how the Lord works in this situation
What does the Word of God say?
Proverbs 1:7 Despise the wisdom of a fool
Psalm 111:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
• God gives wisdom to a person (within)
Which ways hold wisdom?
1) Devilish: the power of the world; in one’s heart is jealousy, quarrel-someness, lies, instability, and evil
2) From above (godly)- pure, peaceful, modest, keeps peace, good behavior, fruit of righteousness
The Source of Wisdom-
Colossians 2:3
Boast in the fullness of understanding, those who know Me
How is peace brought about with the wisdom of God? Romans 1: 21-32
My responsibilities:
Colossians 1:10-11
• Act in the worthiness of God
• Oblige Him
• Bring forth good fruit
• Increase in the knowledge of God
• Be sold-out to the world [in life with patience and long-suffering]
• Bring every man to perfection in Jesus Christ
Does everyone have this gift?
• We can all have the gift of wisdom at times
• It is always apparent who has this gift spiritually
Gift of word of knowledge
• Knows God and how to listen and move according to Him [His desire]
• Identifies the spirit of Truth
What does the Word of God say?
Isaiah 5:12-13
• Regard the work of the Lord
• Respect the work of His hands
Proverbs 1:7
• Fools despise the word of knowledge
Colossians 2:3
In God all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden
Psalm 94:8-11
God teaches man understanding
What does knowledge do? Philippians 1:9
• The love of Christ grows
• Count all things but loss for the knowledge of Christ
• Has committed oneself to be concerned with the nature of God
• Does not remain without fruit
1 Corinthians 8:1
• Knowledge puffs up
1 Corinthians 13:2
• If I have all the knowledge but do not have love, then I am nothing
Hosea 6:6
• God desires mercy and acknowledgement rather than burnt offerings
Responsibilities of the Shepherd
Jeremiah 3:15
Feeds you with knowledge and understanding
Malachi 2:7
Knows the ways of God
• Seeks the law
• They are messengers of the Lord
Ephesians 4:11-13
• They were sent to build up the Body of Christ through the knowledge of the Son of God
Romans 10:2
• Must understand the righteousness of God; don’t establish your own righteousness through reasoning
My responsibility
• Strive to know God, His Truths
• Serve in the church and take part in helping carry the pastor’s burdens on your own shoulders, so he can devote himself to the studying of the Word of God and prayer
Gift of faith
• Firm acknowledgement of God’s Truth
• A personal understanding of God
• Has hope when others have lost hope or faith (Joshua, Caleb, Abraham)
What does the Word of God say?
The Meaning of Faith
Habakkuk 2:4
The Righteous will live by his faith
Hebrews 11:6
Without faith it is impossible
• Seek Him; He rewards
Hebrews 11:1
Belief in what you cannot see
• Implementation of the expected (anticipated)
• Gift of God
• Not by deeds
• God’s blessing
• Fruit of the Spirit
• God lives in the believer (s)
My responsibility
• Prosper in the faith
• Be strong and steadfast
• Ask the Lord to increase my faith
• Keep vigil (watch) and stand in faith
• Faith- concrete acts: go, touch lightly, appeal
Matthew 9:2
The weak and friends
Matthew 9:22
The woman touched Christ
• For each gift
• Does everyone possess these gifts?
• Gift of the words of wisdom- to know how God reacts in a situation. Do I often ask God how to act or do I decide for myself in the here and now?
• When did I come to know the wisdom of God?
• Do I have the gift of knowledge? In what ways does it show?
• Was there a situation in my life when all hope was lost and it seemed as if I could not stand, but I carried on to the end?
• How can people see my faith through works (in action)?
• Which deeds did I do? (not I, but Christ)
Motivation for next lesson:
In which gifts do they often deceive?
Satan often manipulates with these gifts.
What exactly are these gifts?
Till the next lesson…
• Word of wisdom
• Word of Knowledge
• Faith
• To understand the gift of wisdom, so it can be recognized through our actions
• The desire to fully understand the Word of God and obtain the favor of the Divine Christ
• Faith- the gift of grace, the belief in Christ, concrete actions
• What gifts have we studied?
• Who gives? How? For what reason?
• Why should we know this?
• What gift do I see in myself?
• Do I minister with these gifts?
Gift of word of wisdom
Definition- Knows how the Lord works in this situation
What does the Word of God say?
Proverbs 1:7 Despise the wisdom of a fool
Psalm 111:10
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
• God gives wisdom to a person (within)
Which ways hold wisdom?
1) Devilish: the power of the world; in one’s heart is jealousy, quarrel-someness, lies, instability, and evil
2) From above (godly)- pure, peaceful, modest, keeps peace, good behavior, fruit of righteousness
The Source of Wisdom-
Colossians 2:3
Boast in the fullness of understanding, those who know Me
How is peace brought about with the wisdom of God? Romans 1: 21-32
My responsibilities:
Colossians 1:10-11
• Act in the worthiness of God
• Oblige Him
• Bring forth good fruit
• Increase in the knowledge of God
• Be sold-out to the world [in life with patience and long-suffering]
• Bring every man to perfection in Jesus Christ
Does everyone have this gift?
• We can all have the gift of wisdom at times
• It is always apparent who has this gift spiritually
Gift of word of knowledge
• Knows God and how to listen and move according to Him [His desire]
• Identifies the spirit of Truth
What does the Word of God say?
Isaiah 5:12-13
• Regard the work of the Lord
• Respect the work of His hands
Proverbs 1:7
• Fools despise the word of knowledge
Colossians 2:3
In God all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden
Psalm 94:8-11
God teaches man understanding
What does knowledge do? Philippians 1:9
• The love of Christ grows
• Count all things but loss for the knowledge of Christ
• Has committed oneself to be concerned with the nature of God
• Does not remain without fruit
1 Corinthians 8:1
• Knowledge puffs up
1 Corinthians 13:2
• If I have all the knowledge but do not have love, then I am nothing
Hosea 6:6
• God desires mercy and acknowledgement rather than burnt offerings
Responsibilities of the Shepherd
Jeremiah 3:15
Feeds you with knowledge and understanding
Malachi 2:7
Knows the ways of God
• Seeks the law
• They are messengers of the Lord
Ephesians 4:11-13
• They were sent to build up the Body of Christ through the knowledge of the Son of God
Romans 10:2
• Must understand the righteousness of God; don’t establish your own righteousness through reasoning
My responsibility
• Strive to know God, His Truths
• Serve in the church and take part in helping carry the pastor’s burdens on your own shoulders, so he can devote himself to the studying of the Word of God and prayer
Gift of faith
• Firm acknowledgement of God’s Truth
• A personal understanding of God
• Has hope when others have lost hope or faith (Joshua, Caleb, Abraham)
What does the Word of God say?
The Meaning of Faith
Habakkuk 2:4
The Righteous will live by his faith
Hebrews 11:6
Without faith it is impossible
• Seek Him; He rewards
Hebrews 11:1
Belief in what you cannot see
• Implementation of the expected (anticipated)
• Gift of God
• Not by deeds
• God’s blessing
• Fruit of the Spirit
• God lives in the believer (s)
My responsibility
• Prosper in the faith
• Be strong and steadfast
• Ask the Lord to increase my faith
• Keep vigil (watch) and stand in faith
• Faith- concrete acts: go, touch lightly, appeal
Matthew 9:2
The weak and friends
Matthew 9:22
The woman touched Christ
• For each gift
• Does everyone possess these gifts?
• Gift of the words of wisdom- to know how God reacts in a situation. Do I often ask God how to act or do I decide for myself in the here and now?
• When did I come to know the wisdom of God?
• Do I have the gift of knowledge? In what ways does it show?
• Was there a situation in my life when all hope was lost and it seemed as if I could not stand, but I carried on to the end?
• How can people see my faith through works (in action)?
• Which deeds did I do? (not I, but Christ)
Motivation for next lesson:
In which gifts do they often deceive?
Satan often manipulates with these gifts.
What exactly are these gifts?
Till the next lesson…
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